
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment in PS Moglicë Extension project
Devoll Hydropower Sh.A. (DHP) has engaged independent consultants to conduct and carry out an extended Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). This assessment is done respecting of Albanian...
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Devoll Hydropower Sh.A. is the first company based in Albania to publish the urgent market messages related to its assets in the EEX platform, in the frame of REMIT
Devoll Hydropower Sh.A. (DHP) is the first Albanian member of the European Energy Exchange AG Transparency Platform. We are happy to fulfil the publication requirements under the EU Regulation on...
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Devoll Hydropower Sh.A. publishes the Annual Performance and Internal Governance Report for the year 2023
Starting from the year 2020, Devoll Hydropower Sh.A. (DHP) publishes its Annual Performance and Internal Governance Report on its website.
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Statkraft's energy sources in Albania

Statkraft has invested in Albania for the implementation of the Devoll Hydropower Project, the largest private hydropower project in the country in the last 30 years.

Statkraft is implementing an innovative solar floating project in the Banja HPP reservoir.

Join us
As a leading renewable energy producer, we depend on the dedicated people who want to shape the future with us. Are you ready to make a difference?
Read moreKey facts in Albania
269 MWInstalled capacity in operation at Banja and Moglice HPPs
700 GWhYearly generation of renewable energy at Banja and Moglice HPPs
2 MWpInstalled capacity at our Banja Floating Solar Plant

A sustainable future
Our ambition is to contribute to a more sustainable future by bringing renewable energy to industries, businesses, communities, and homes around the world.
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